Well one-bill-gill is pushing his bill to allow illegal immigrants drivers licenses again and he feels the eighth time is the charm. The SacBee quotes Sen. Cedillo saying "It's easy to beat up on immigrants right now, in certain quarters.." Gill its not about beating up on immigrants, no one beats up on my wife or my wife's family they're legal and that's the point. Yes you represent Los Angeles, yes your'er pandering for votes but please put your nations security first. Cedillo states his bill would make highways safer. Well if having a drivers license makes one a better driver why am I so busy on the trauma floor I work on? Cedillo also states once they receive their license they would get insurance. Right, oh I forgot now if you are below a certain income level you can have your insurance subsidized.
He's despicable
Here is WI, the city of Madison was discussing providing low interest loans for illegals to make it easier for them to buy houses (I forget the details now).
There have also been discussions of providing tutition discounts for illegals at the UW system.
At this same time, INS was threatening to kick out an immegrant woman in Milwaukee who had been going through the legal channels. Thing is, whe fled her homeland for political reasons and would have likely been killed if sent back to her home country.
This is all just nuts. Pretty soon, it will be easier to be illegal than it is to be legal...
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