Friday, March 31, 2006


I was outraged at the SacBee's article titled Getting Tough on Illegal dumping. I would like the term to be undocumented dumping. Its unfair that they would impose a fine on the undocumented dumper. What we should have is a guest dumper program and a subsidy for those undocumented dumpers that cant afford to go the landfill. What we don't need is a wall surrounding current dumping sites. In a racist remark Supervisor Roger Dickinson said"Those who are responsible for degrading our environment, from detracting from what makes our neighborhood livable, will pay the price."
Many students will take to the street in a show of solidarity for the undocumented dumper. John H Regan High School Principal, Robert Pambello opened up the schools dumpster for the undocumented. California assembley speaker Fabian Nunez warned Gov. Schwarzenegger not to be on the wrong side of this issue.