
Today in the
Drudge Report We find the Babs was given the platform to blather about global warming and again no one calls her on the amount of hurricanes that struck the U.S. during other decades. And because of her vast scientific knowledge also predicted dust bowls and droughts. As all the other celebrity scientist talk about the alarming numbers of hurricanes how come nothing is said about the the other side of the globe regarding typhoons? I guess this just affects our hemisphere
Don't you wish Babs would take her big schnoz and go back to her 40,000 square foot mansion and shut the hell up.
She is an embarassment. Everytime she opens her mouth I cringe.
Maybe she'll campaign for Hillary...
Everyone knows Bush has a secret DOD hurricane machine he is using, global warming, yeah right!
too bad hurricanes don't strike hollywood and the oscars.
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