Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Aurelio Rojsa's article titled Students get a lesson in lobbying in the Sacbee needs to read along side the article
Craig Deluz wrote in his blog. Ms. Rojas writes about three Chico State students who spent Monday talking to legislators to back Assembly Bill 540. One of the students Najera said "I want to be a productive member of society." Well one way is to respect their laws. I realize that many of the children came in with their parents and I don't want to punish the child for the sins of their fathers, but there comes a time when we need to say enough is enough. We can't keep talking about protecting our borders when we continually provide incentives for illegal immigration. I don't know the ages of the students in Ms. Rojas article but maybe they should petition the government to become U.S. citizens. Ms. Rojas may have missed the bigger story and that's California schools can still produce honor students