Friday, July 06, 2007


Rep. John Doolittle is reported in the
SacBee today as calling for a pull back in Iraq. Come on John, This sounds more like you trying to gain favor from your democratic detractors. I guess its time for you to get out of the kitchen. You are quoted as saying "I don't want to keep having our people dying on the front lines"( would you rather have our people dying here?) ." I am increasingly convinced that we never are going to succeed in actually ending people dying (in Iraq)." Fact we are never going to stop people from dying anywhere. And just like some others just to keep you more in the center you say your not calling for a time table. Yes John its time to do your penitence and cozy up to the left and the mainstream media.


At 3:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am trying to make a conservative digg alternative called GOP Hub ( Anything you can do to help with this effort would be awesome. Plus feel free to submit any articles your write here on your blog :). Take care and have a great weekend!


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