Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Clea Benson's article in the SacBee reports that Senate Democratic leader Don Perata has put forward his health care plan for covering 4.2 million uninsured. The second paragraph of the article tells all there is to know about the plan and how policy wonks think.
1"The Oakland Democrat's broad proposal, which would mandate coverage for a significant portion of the state's more than 6 million uninsured, did not include specifics on how much businesses and individuals could expect to pay." They never do

2. "But Perata did estimate that the overall cost would be between $5 billion and $7 billion," When has a bureaucrats estimate ever came in as predicted?

3." All of it covered by businesses, workers and the federal government rather than by the state" bureaucrats always believe the federal or state governments are enitites on their own and generate revenue on their own. Its always the businesses and the taxpayer that pay.
Ronald Reagan was right when he said "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."